Fajita Chicken Theighs



Around here in central Texas, we have a grocery store called HEB (its the guy's initials who started a mom&pop store in Kerville).
Anyway, they make these vacuum-packed raw chicken bags (theighs and breasts) pre-marinating in fajita stuff...my wife and I both really enjoy grilling these theighs and eating them during the week. I was wondering about cooking them up in the smoker...I will either:
- use the standard method (just on chimney outta do it) and NO water pan at all, use just the top grate...probably toss a hunk of mesquite on there, too
- use a modified Minion method (1 full chimney of lit on top of 1 full chimney of unlit, 1 hunk of mesquite) with the water pan, and possibly use both grates (and cook more meat).

Anybody have any suggestions? Is it a problem to use the smoker without the water pan, all the meat on the top grate, and all vents open? Outta get plenty hot enough to cook those theighs.

Jeff - no there's no problem leaving out the water pan and opening vents. I do it all the time. It's a great way to do a high-heat cook. You'll easily get it well above 300 degrees.

For thighs, which won't take long to cook at all, I'd just throw 2 fully lit chimneys in at the same time. That will be plenty to cook a full load of thighs.

It's only time for breakfast here, but I'm already hungry...

- Adam

