Ever seen a meteor?

Yeah, they go crazy fast and don't last long. Often happen in groups. Off in the night sky is cool, but zooming right overhead is something else.
When I was in the Boy Scouts, I went to camp Whitsett for a week. One night I happened to wake up & look out the tent window & saw a bright bolide flying low on the horizon, pieces coming off.
If you ever have the opportunity to see Br. Guy Consolmagno give a presentation, especially his meteor hunting on the Antarctic ice sheets, go. I cannot recommend him highly enough. BTW, he's the keeper of the Vatican meteor collection, and is now the director of the Vatican Observatory (yes, that's a real thing.)
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Lots of them. We viewed the Perseids shower while on vacation. I've also seen a few individual ones; one of the better ones was while I was driving at night, at a time when many alleged UFO sightings were being reported. There for a second, I wondered...
Looks like that was a good one. I usually see at least a few per night while I’m out observing with my telescope from my back deck.
Both space stations, the ISS and the Chinese Tiangong, are easily observable on clear nights just by looking up at the right time.
I use a free app (Google Play Store) called ‘Heavens Above’ to tell me when they are going to pass over. It tracks most man-made objects falling around up there.
I have several times.
I’m not real hip on them but they did look like that video.
I have also seen a couple that had big red tails.
I also saw the Hal-bop comet for near a month too.

Most of the times I have seen these things I was way out in the back cou try camping away from light pollution.
The utmost weirdest one was looking north about 4:00am while taking my pup out to go potty.
I saw a big big glowing ball with a tail that was a good third of the horizon going east bound.
It looked like an inbound misle.
I turned on the TV to find out what it was but nada.
It turned out to be the space shuttle burning up 🥵.
You can see a lot of space stuff with the naked eye. Most people just never look at the sky. You can see satellites, etc. They cross the sky to rapidly to be an airplane. But yeah I've seen a few meteors. Sitting in a duck blind at 4:30 a.m. when I was a kid we saw a great meteor shower once. Of course it was too cold to enjoy watching it.
I wasn't expecting a post about actual meteors. When I was a kid, our whole family referred to my dad's "well done" hamburgers as meteors. :LOL:

