ET-73 at

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Guess what I bought last night? An oppertuinity to help my FAVORITE board and get a new probe, how could I pass that up! Keep up the good work. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif
Hey, for once my procrastinating has paid off. Been wanting to order one for a month, or so, and just did.

Thought I would give this post a boost and say I got mine and it's awesome. I was playing with it while my wife baked some cookies (yup, she does that from time to time and they're awesome too!). I was able to get into the attic and still get updates from the kitchen...that's through two floors.

Not too shabby for $50 shipped! /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif Can't wait to do some Butts & spares next week.
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