ER Ribs and Wings!


Jim McKelvey

TVWBB All-Star
So...just back from vacation and wanted to do a Father's Day cook...a day late. Took some items from the fridge / freezer and started. Here's the story in pictures:

Hormel Enhanced StL Spares from a recent sale. Not the best..a bit thin on one end and had to trim a lot of fat.

Seasoned with Jamie Purviance rub from Weber Smoke + a little extra brown sugar:

The ill fated action shot...set camera on timer to get a shot of the cook.

Got a "splinter" from our old deck's railing on the way to the smoker....

Three hours and three stitches later...WSM still going at 250.
Wings marinated and seasoned:

Added to gasser on Brinkmann SS tray, with cherry chips in the makeshift firebox:

The final products:

I loved the wings...would use something other than lowrys next time, but the Weber Seasoning was excellent. Ribs were wonderful as well...thanks you WSM!

Hope you enjoyed! Hand still works thank goodness.

Thanks for all the great comments!

Don – It hurt like a.... well, you know. The point of the splinter broke through my palm two inches from the entrance! I admit it – I yelled!

And no Jim – no leftovers. Everyone was pretty hungry after the long Hospital trip. We had taters and corn too, I just focused on the proteins.

I just think it is so awesome though…as we are leaving for the ER, my wife says “what about the smoker?” and I say, “don’t worry, it’s fine. We just need to be back in 3 hours or so”. Sure enough, no problems at all. The WSM is just a great tool.


