Epic 11lb pork butt journey


Jake from Iowa

TVWBB Member
So for whatever reason I lit up the wsm to start my epic journey at 1245 and the thing skyrocketed to over 300 using gary wiviott's KISS method. Now at 145 I have gotten it sub 300 and am going to throw on the massive piece of meat. Enclosed a pic of the fire maybe someone can give me an idea why my temps jumped so high ao fast. And tonight I found out exactly how inaccurate the stock thermo really is! Thermo on unit read 250 and new. Maverick read 338 lol
without being rude, we'll need a lot more info/details before we can begin to be able to identify the problems and offer solutions.
Did you use the minion method? Is this a new wsm? Need more details....

Don't forget to take pics...:)
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Well as stated above I used the author gary wiviott's method which essentially is fill the charcoal chamber up and layer in wood chunks then put An engaged charcoal starter full on top and spread it out then lay 3 chunks on top. Wait 5-10 mins and assemble the smoker. Then fill up the pan with water. I followed these directions and when I was done the cooker was blazing! He explains to leave bottom vents wide open which I learned a while ago cant happen because cooker runs way hot. So I close them to 10%. My cooker is not new and im using RO green bag
I think to much RO was used to start your fire. I don't have much experience in using lump to smoke. Hopefully other members can help out.
RAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!! at approximately 515 am it has started to rain got a makeshift sandwich baggie/waterproof box/gallon baggie contraption keeping the maverick dry and a makeshift tinfoil cover for the top vent to keep water out..... This butt might be the death of me yet lol. 142 IT and 248 pit temp though...... Hopefully holds half way steady till rain lets up.
You do need a shelter to keep the rain out. The lid fits into the middle is why rain runs into the unit instead of down the outside. Just set the patio umbrella up in its stand beside the smoker. Works for me (especially when you don't have room for a permanent/dedicated shelter).

An old patio umbrella can serve as a portable and cheap shelter (as opposed to building a permanent one).

You can see the pole of mine just to the left of the smoker.

It's a 7' umbrella and covers the WSM and me quite nicely.
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Both are good ideas..... Ill have to keep an eye out on cl for an umbrella the can idea is decent also..... But not nearly as cool looking as my tin foil hood ;p
Jake don't write off your thermometer just yet. You just introduced 11pounds of refrigerated meat. That is a lot of thermal mass at probably 35-38 degrees. If your Maverick was reading grill temp it will be less effected than the thermometer in the dome from the cold temps of the meat. The meat will cool the air rising by it. Just sayin
Jake don't write off your thermometer just yet. You just introduced 11pounds of refrigerated meat. That is a lot of thermal mass at probably 35-38 degrees. If your Maverick was reading grill temp it will be less effected than the thermometer in the dome from the cold temps of the meat. The meat will cool the air rising by it. Just sayin

Well its been constantly off 75+ degrees throughout the whole 12 hours ive been cooking. Even now sitting at 275 its reading 200.

On another note I have no idea how people get down to 225, Ive had my vents nearly all closed up and it still wont go that low even with starting with cold water in the pan
The overtemp was caused by two items: Too much lit characoal at the start then waiting 5-10 minutes before you closed up the WSM. Waiting just allowed more charcoal to light. Start with 1/3 to 1/2 full charcoal starter, then close the WSM and wait for the temps to ramp up. It's much easier to ramp up rather than ramp down.
The overtemp was caused by two items: Too much lit characoal at the start then waiting 5-10 minutes before you closed up the WSM. Waiting just allowed more charcoal to light. Start with 1/3 to 1/2 full charcoal starter, then close the WSM and wait for the temps to ramp up. It's much easier to ramp up rather than ramp down.

Well I was just following what gary wiviott instructed in his book which came highly recommended. Guess Ill just have to use it as just a recipe book lol. Next cook I will have to try the minion method
Trouble is, the rain rolls off the lid into the middle section (white circled area) at the lip and collects inside where the ash is. That's why the umbrella is preferred (as opposed to a dedicated shelter).
Golf umbrella ...lawn chair...2 zip ties....voila !

Odddly enough i was desperately looking for zip ties this morning to use a similar contraption to your umbrella idea.... .. But could not. Locate any
After 17 houra my journey is over, hit 190 at 6:20 pm. So pulled it and let it rest and chopped it... ..... Its got a little. Bitter flavor tho

