Well, I didn't get any pictures, but this worked out pretty well. I made oatmeal both nights, and both nights the snake broke halfway through, so I didn't get a complete burn and needed to put the DO on a burner to heat it up in the morning.
Using a Lodge 3 quart combo cooker (the lid doubles as a frying pan), I melted a tablespoon of butter in the "lid" and toasted 2 cups of steel cut oats until golden brown (probably about 10 minutes at medium heat - I didn't want them to burn). While they were toasting, I put 2 quarts of water and 1/2 teaspoon of salt into the DO section and brought that up to just shy of boiling point. Once the oats were toasty, I turned off both burners and slowly poured them into the water, gave a quick stir and slapped the lid on. Then, the whole shebang went into the kettle. It was set up on an inverted grill wok (to keep it about 2" above the charcoal grate) and the charcoal was lined up around the perimeter of the bowl. I placed 6 lit coals on top of the first 6 unlit in the snake. The first night, all vents were wide open; the second night I had the bottom only opened halfway.
When I checked on them in the morning, the consistency was nearly perfect. A little time over a low flame to bring it back to eating temperature and a little buttermilk thrown in (brown sugar served on the side), and it was probably the best oatmeal I've ever eaten, let alone made. I was surprised how many people ate it. I only made 2 quarts because I didn't want to be throwing out a bunch if nobody touched 'em, but every last oat got eaten Saturday. There was a bit left over Sunday morning since we only have about 2/3 the number of people eating.