Does Target still do Kettle sales end of season? Or other retailers?



New member
About 6 years ago, I got very lucky and stumbled into a NIB Weber Premium 22" kettle for $75 in Chicago. Unlike Ace, Walmart, Home Depot, Lowes, who keep outdoor cooking sections year-round, Target wanted to clear out their grill to put up Thanksgiving stuff, then later Christmas stuff, etcetera. They don't have the space, so they rotate stuff out of that area for different seasons.

Is this common? If so, when do you start looking, i.e., when does the season end? I may just go to the local Target and find a manager and tell him I'll take his grills off his hands at the end of the season. Even if I have to buy 3-5, it shouldn't be hard to flip NIB kettles. Are there any other stores I should look at like this?

When I moved back from Chicago to Philly, I gave that kettle to a neice. But I'm in need of a new one soon.
Wow! So early? I did not know the big box stores even did sales. I got mine at Target because they were clearing out the seasonal grill stuff.
Yeah, the Weber gas grill sales are routine by me. I've seen others here take pictures of the yellow tags at Home Depot, but I don't bother because it really isn't remarkable here.

I would actually recommend Home Depot more than Target simply because they have more stock. While they do keep grills on display all year, they certainly have more units in the store during certain months.
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My understanding of Target clearances is that a lot of them are computer-controlled: if stock at an individual Target sits past a certain amount of time, the store’s inventory system is programmed to put it on a preset sale price, and then the store employees will replace the posted prices.

At least, that is how it was explained to me back in the late-90’s/early-2000’s when I was younger and collected G.I. Joes… back when Hasbro and other still regularly made 12” figures. This was why certain figures would be discounted at one Target but not another, even though I could almost walk from one Target to the other.

Our local Targets must sell out of kettles quickly enough because I have never seen them on sale at the end of the summer, though I’ve seen sales posted on social media (including kettles marked down to $25!).

The only place I’ve had any luck was a random Lowe’s I happened to stop in at (it was next to a gas station). Found a 14” WSM for $140!
Towards the end of last season, I picked up a Jumbo Joe for $27.00 at my closest Target. Other Targets in a 8-10 mile radius were still selling them for $79, or whatever the MSRP was at the time. Just a complete stroke of luck that I saw that last one on the shelf.
Costco is starting Halloween stuff already. They will probably start clearing out the summer stuff soon.
I lucked out a few years ago with a Spirit E210 for $200 from Target on clearance. I think I checked a website called which is how I found it.
I swear nothing gets marked down near me! My local HD still has a pre-2012 OTG on display but marked as an Original Kettle Premium at full price!
Never had much luck beyond target for clearance. Years ago I got a jumbo half price. I was at Target last weekend school shopping and noticed the outdoor home and bbq section is getting thin and likely to be depleted for fall and Christmas items. It goes quick, but I got my eye on a traveler in stock that I would love to get on a discount 😉
I have had some good luck on Weber accessories in the fall over the last few years at Target. Not every year was a good one, though.
You're about a month late for Target this year. Many people got the new griddles, Jumbo Joe and Traveler at steep discounts. Watch Lowe's, Home Depot. Also, lots of free or cheap charcoal grills on Craigslist and Facebook Marketplace.
Well, good idea, but I screwed up. Shoulda gone in earlier. Went to Target last weekend and all the grilling stuff was cleared out already, it's all back to school now. Have to watch it earlier next year.

