Does anyone here make their own charcoal?


Phil S

TVWBB Super Fan
I make my own charcoal for my pyrotechnic hobby. I'm done for the year and figured I'd try a batch of Apple for cooking before putting the retort away for the winter. I'm also considering trying Mulberry

I'm curious as to what kind of burn time and how much flavor I will get out of this.

My "pyrotechnic hobby" got me a 3-to-5 year stretch!

As a city dweller, I'd just like to have a large source of Apple wood... The big orchard areas are quite a drive from here, so not really worth it.....
Hmm I had no recollection of that thread and was surprised to see that I had replied to it. Nothing wrong with my memory.

I might try some chicken or pork tonight to see how much flavor the Apple provides.

