Do you use water in the WSM with low and slow brisket?


Jack O

TVWBB Member
I'm cooking a 6# brisket tomorrow on my 18.5" WSM and wondered if you folks would recommend using water in the pan? This is my first roast on my new Weber and I intend to smoke it slow for 6-8 hours and then foil wrap until it gets to 190-200 range.
I use a clay saucer and foil the water pan. (no water)

For timing purposes I would plan on 1.5 hours per pound... If it gets done early you can wrap the meat in foil and put it in a cooler until your ready to eat!
I used water the first time I used the WSM and never again. Used a foiled pizza stone for awhile and then just foiled the empty pan. Much easier cleanup.

You may have to try it both with and without water to see which you prefer.
Originally posted by Jeff Langer:
I use a clay saucer and foil the water pan. (no water)

...and today I'm taking a friend's suggestion to remove the pan after foiling.
Originally posted by Tom_M:
I used water the first time I used the WSM and never again.

Same here.
I got some brown creosite type substance on the inside of my lid and never used water again.
I use a clay saucer foiled together with the empty water pan.
Easy clean up and it keeps temps pretty stable.
I'm relatively new at this too. I've done two with water and two without. I do prefer the clay saucer as I've found there is plenty of moisure in the meat. Cleanup is much easier. Buy 8 1/4" washers, shim out the bottom of your 4 grill straps, 2 each and get a clay flower pot saucer from HD or Lowes, 14" and never look back. I now use water for ribs only but that's me. In the end you will not go wrong either way.
Good luck
Thanks people, I know I posted this question late last night and didn't get back here until after I started the brisket and hour ago. I went with the water pan this time but, I will try the clay stone idea next time. It will be interesting to compare the two methods.
Nothing wrong with using the water pan @ all. I guess you will have a cool smoke during it all. I often use a clay saucer. But if im doing snail temps Low´n´slow i would go with the pan+water.

Good luck and report back!
I did my very fisrt brisket on Sunday, a 6 pounder after trimming the heavy fat. Coated it with yellow mustard and applied a coat of Con Yeager Montreal Burger & Steak Rub. Fired the WSM 22.5 with Kingsford Blue(Minion Method)and apple wood chunks. Ran it at 250 for 8 hours with the water pan 2/3 full. The brisket came out great, very moist and tender.
Jack, been using a foiled empty water pan for years. Works well for me. A lot of other variations you can try without putting water in the pan. I know some guys that have cooked with no pan or saucer.Don't be afraid to experiment.
Yes. I am in the minority here but I use the pan with h20. I use have a pan of water and it's all gone at 8.5hrs at 225. I do use a drip pan on the lower grate to ensure clean up is easy. Ymmv
I also almost always use water in my pan. The temps are simply much more stable. Without it I have trouble getting the temps below 250. If I am going to cook HH I use a pan only.
Originally posted by Bryon Piequet:
Yes. I am in the minority here but I use the pan with h20.
??? That's the way Weber designed it and intended it to be used. I doubt you're in the minority, Bryon.
Update, I put the brisket on at 4:45am and it ran smooth @ 225. At 11:30 the internal temperature was 160 so, I foil wrapped and placed it back in the smoker. It looks great so far, can't wait for dinner!
Originally posted by Bryon Piequet:
Yes. I am in the minority here but I use the pan with h20. I use have a pan of water and it's all gone at 8.5hrs at 225. I do use a drip pan on the lower grate to ensure clean up is easy. Ymmv

I use water and like the stable cooks I get. I recently smoked three pork shoulders and the WSM held at 245 for over 8 hours with no adjustments. I sometimes add a few herbs or spices to the water.
The main thing is that there are many methods and they all work. Just find a method that you like and enjoy some great product.

I only do H. H. brisket now and thats the only time I use an empty foiled pan. For everything else , its water in the pan. (As some others have stated) I think it is easier to maintain a constant lower temp.
Well, I am totally impressed with the WSM after cooking brisket yesterday. I had the brisket done 2 hours before the guests arrived since this was my first time using the WSM and used that time to cook the vegetables in the smoker and the temperature was still stable after 11 hours with no additional charcoal added. I kept the brisket foil wrapped and then wrapped in towels and stored in my coleman cooler. The brisket came out moist and tender and the flavor was great, all 6#'s of this Black Angus Flat was consumed in short order.

