Do you guys use your gas ignition in your Performer?

Just picked up a performer with gas assist from craigslist last week.

No baskets. So, I piled charcoal in the middle, and used the lp.

How are you using the chimney? I had been using with newspaper in bottom, charcoal on top. (pre-performer).

Just FYI for you guys that have a gas assist later model performer that uses the small bottles. The adapter hose that allows the Qs to use the 20 pound bottles fits the performer also. If you don't move your performer around a lot it's cheaper and easier then buying new ones or refiling the small bottles. HERE

i still cant figure out why they changed to the smaller bottles.
I think because the smaller bottles are much more common then the 5lb bottles, you can find the smaller bottles almost anywhere not so much the other one.

Agree with rich 100% and also in many areas like mine (NY), because of Liability and local regulations, almost no one refills propane anymore, they just exchange instead. Its somewhat annoying but definitely safer in the long run.

As for the 20 lb conversion. I've had my performer for 6 months. i'm always in a hurry to light so i let the gas assist go longer then most. I thought i would do the 20lb tank conversion but i've found that the 1lber's are fine. I use my perforer anywhere from 1-3 times a week and i think im still only on my 3rd or 4th one 1lb tank.
I use the ignition on mine, I will put my coals in the chimney and light it up for about 5 minutes and then shut if off and the coals will finish in the chimney.
I don't use gas assist or the baskets. I light the coals in a chimney with newspaper. Then go in the house and prep my meats. When the coals are ready, I spread them out and start cooking.

