Do I have to fill my 18 1/2 WSM for a 5-6 hour smoke?


Jean Hart

New member
Waiting for my smoker to arive! Thinking about a few things. One of them is I do not want my smoker running hot for a long time if it is possible. I have to set it up in my driveway ( new deck, do not want any burns) I am afraid passing deer and wildlife will knock it over! What do you think? How much fuel for a 4-5 hour smoke. Also does the bottom of the smoker get hot? I also have a new paved driveway and my Husband will take a fit if I mess it up! Please help! First post here. I want to say Hello! Have a great day!

You don't have to completely fill the WSM for a shorter cook, but I find it easier to do so, just to limit the variables I have to deal with. Your WSM should be air-tight enough (especially after a few uses) that the fire will go out in a short time, once you close all the vents. Then you can use the leftover charcoal for the next cook, or (as I usually do)store it in a metal can with an airtight lid, and use it for grilling in the kettle. If you do this, BE CERTAIN that all the coals are extinguished, and cold, before you remove them from the WSM.

The bottom does not get very hot, in my experience. If you're concerned about the driveway, you can set the WSM on a metal oil drip tray. That will also protect against those tiny, but hot, little pieces of charcoal that sometimes get dropped.
I'm new to the WSM myself. I've cooked on mine 4 times but it's all been chicken and tenderloins that have taken 3-3.5 hrs at most. Larry's advise on the charcoal and oil pan is good.

If you haven't done so already, you should read some of the stuff in the "operations and modifications" section of this website. There's a lot of really useful stuff there and in other places.

Congratulations on your WSM and welcome to the forum and good luck with your first cook.

Here's the link to the operations and modifications.
Many thanks guy's! Great advice & thank you for the link, Gary, I think I will get one of those mats. I wish I could put it on the deck but it is that composit plastic stuff. Like Trex. I am neat and use my gas grill without a problem but hot charcoal! Forget it! Thanks again!
Welcome Jean. I have to say I have never seen a post regarding the local wildlife knocking over the cooker. These are the questions that keep us coming back.
The above answer your question so, enjoy, have fun and let us know if the deer get uppity.
The bottom of the smoker gets hot enough to melt the snow beneth it. I could imagine it affecting a synthetic deck. A drip pan or mat of some sort would be essential. If you can put it on your driveway easy enough, I would do that. I wouldn't worry about critters until it's cooled down. I'm sure it could happen, but as James says, never seen a post of a hot wsm being messed with and only a couple posts after it was cool.
I started out with the metal water heater pan under mine on a wood deck. I have since switched out to a round concrete composite material mat I found at Home Depot. Looks a lot better and does not transmit any heat through it to the deck below, and it is 100% fireproof. Here is what I'm using now.

Home Depot 30" grill mat

I would be real careful on a synthetic deck. Most brands of synthetic boards are very flexible and get soft in the sun.

As to the newly paved driveway, I would take it you mean an asphalt driveway. I don't think you have anything to worry about there. The shields are mainly for wooden decks to prevent any stray sparks from jumping out and smoldering the wood. It can happen, I've done it. I had a piece of hickory pop and send a good size ember out past the shield one day when I had the middle section off the WSM and it left a nice dime sized charred mark before I could stomp it out.
I'm a beginner myself, did my first smoke a few days ago with the 18.5

I used a full chimney with 1/2 lit chimney on top and I held 250 for at least 6 hours then I fell asleep! Thats far from a full load and it worked fine for me.
Thank you so much guy's! I think I will just put it on the driveway. It should be fine. After my smoke I will put it in my garage. That pad is a real good idea! Thanks again!!

I'd like to retract my statement. Did some ribs on Thursday and it was cold (high 40s) and windy. Had a hard time keeping the temp up and I dumped in a full chimney of lit coals 2.5 hours in.

so I guess from now on at least in the winter months Im gonna load it up so I dont have to add later.

