Do I have to Brine turkey?


Danny Woods

TVWBB Member
Just wondering, I have smoked about 5 turkeys now using the apple brine method, but if I didn't have the time to brine, can I smoke the turkey un-brined. What would be the difference if I didn't brine?

Thanks for your advice

Danny, you might try a kosher turkey if you don't have time to brine. They are essentially pre-brined. They will cost a bit more than a regular turkey.

If you don't brine, the meat will not be as moist.

Danny, I should have said that the meat might not be quite as moist, can be perfectly acceptable and delicious. I'm sure that not everyone brines their turkeys and they are pleased with them. You might try smoking a small turkey in a test run and see what you think.

Moving from Poultry Recipes Forum to Barbecuing Forum, as this is not a recipe.

Also, please do not post the same message in multiple forums.

Take a look at the Turkey Selection & Prep article. It answers most all questions.

About 6 years ago I saw Alton Brown brining a turkey and have been hooked ever since. I use his brine recipe. If you want to look it up go to the Food Channel and go to the show "Romancing the Bird". I did a whole turkey last week and brined it before-wonderful. I am afraid that with the WSM it would be too dry w/o a brine, just my opinion.
I only use Kosher turkeys and still brine them, however I cut the salt way down by 50-70% of the recipe.

That's good information, Mitch. Thanks. I'll add that to my notes. I was wondering how much to adjust for the salt in kosher turkeys.


