Distractions and my Dumbest bbq mistake EVER!

Years ago, I was using an old Char-Griller barrel type pit. It had a lift out ash tray/charcoal grate that I would always dump out the next day. Thought I was keeping a clean pit with the exception of all the dark jellied up fat that built up on the bottom of the barrel underneath the lift out ash tray/charcoal grate that I would always dump out the next day..

Well, had some Nolan Ryan Rib-Eyes that set me back a pretty penny but we were celebratin my youngest boy going off to the Navy.
Poured a couple of hot chimneys of Kingsford into the lift out ash tray/charcoal grate that I would always dump out the next day..

Tossed on -8- of those almost 2lb each Nolan Ryan Rib-Eyes on the grill and put down the lid and went back to my smokey porter.

Little did I know that when I poured in the hot charcoal that a briquette or two fell off the lift out ash tray/charcoal grate that I would always dump out the next day

After I put the lid down the briquette must have slid down to the bottom of the barrel where it ignited the now hot grease!! By the time I looked up from my smokey porter the flames were shooting out the chimney and from all the seams around the lid.

There was no saving nuttin!! Not the large 2 lb Nolan Ryan rib-eyes not even the pit itself. The bottom warped and the inferior welds melted...just gone...get the hose and set everything out on the street the next day.

My youngest boy flew to Chicago for boot camp the next day with a belly full of Kentucky Fried Chicken!!

I did practically the same thing with a Sears Kenmore gasser many years ago, but never counted it as a huge loss. I figured a decent grill wouldn't have warped so bad from just getting a little too hot, right? :rolleyes:
It never stops. Just last week i forgot to put the charcoal ring in and dumped two chimneys of lit onto the grate. What a pain to rejig and get the ring in working with glowing hot charcoal!
It never stops. Just last week i forgot to put the charcoal ring in and dumped two chimneys of lit onto the grate. What a pain to rejig and get the ring in working with glowing hot charcoal!

I bet I'd only cooked on my wsm one time before when I did that!
Shortly after I got my 18, I was cooking a pork butt trying to figure out how this cooker worked. Well, my cookers are underneath a pergola that has vines running up the legs and over the top. Well, I had set the cooker up a little too close to one of the legs and some of the leaves were starting to wither from the heat. So I thought that I'll just slide it over a little and put some distance in. Well, I guess that I also didn't remember that I had completely filled the water pan. One of the legs hung up on an edge of a paver and kind of 'popped' when it finally freed up. That sent water right down into the fire (basically putting it out) and made a WHOLE lot of steam. Worst tasting butt I ever ate.

Lesson learned, Don't move the cooker if there's water in the pan (which there isn't anymore).


