Digital Thermometer shot out.



Digital Thermometer shoot out.

Digital Thermometer shoot out.

I'm leaning toward the Theremapen but there are some cheaper products that I have my eye on as well.
Please add your thoughts as well as your recommendations.


Maverick Pro Temp

Maverick ET-7 remote
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I have the Thermapen and the Mav ET-73. Both have a purpose and have worked well for 4 yrs.

I use both as well. The Mav for the cooker and food monitoring and the thermapen for the final decision making. Thermapen is great for steaks, chops, shicken as well. Perfect every time.
I have a similar set up that Tim uses. To me and many others the Thermapen is the best instant read thermometer on the market. You can buy things that cost much less that will be just as accurate, but the difference is how long it takes them to measure the temp. That is what you are paying the extra money for. As for the Maverick ET-73, I have a love-hate relationship. In spite of the occasional dropped signal and totally unintuitive mystery button interface, it does a great job of allowing you to monitor both grate temp and meat temp from a distance. When it is cold and nasty outside, that is worth every penny.

Just my thoughts FWIW.
I have a Maveric but this thread caused me to finally order a Thermapen. NOTE FOR CANADIANS....Thermoworks now has a Canadian special that included Fedex and all fees for $19. This means delivered to your door for $108. Thats within a few dollars of what you can get them over the counter at Ontario Gas BBQ......which for me is about $10 in gas away.
I ended up getting a used ET-73 on Amamzon to save some $$$. When I can, I'll get a thermapen next, when the $$ become available.
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