Deni Foodsaver

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Wade G

Over Christmas, I accompanied my wife to the Williams Sonoma outlet to find some pots. Instead, I found a $199 Deni Foodsaver marked down to $50. Has anyone else heard of this? Well, I got tons of bags, and some spares (pack of 30 for $5.99) and it has the ability to seal jars and the like. From the looks of their website, it is the "Deni Magic Vac™ Genius Plus
Model 1710".

I've only used it a few times, but it seems to work pretty well.

I had planned on getting the Foodsaver brand at Costco, but it was $129 for basically the same functionality (this Deni seems to be a more robust model). So, when I saw this one- -I went after it.

Just wondering if any of you had heard anything, good or bad.

Happy New Year
I have a FS 1050...haven't heard of the Deni brand. You might be able to find reviews on Amazon or other online retailers that carry it!
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