Deadwood the movie


Bob Correll

R.I.P. 3/31/2022
Any other Deadwood fans here, and if so, did you see the movie last night?
I haven't seen the movie yet, don't get HBO, so that will have to wait.
If you've seen it, no spoilers please. :)
I have the boxed set for all 3 seasons, loaned it to friends and family, most all couldn't get past the first few episodes due to the profanity.
Understandable, I had to get immune to it, maybe a better word is numb.
I rate it up there with the Sopranos, and Breaking Bad as a best series ever.
I'm a Deadwood fan - I'm not a huge moviegoer so I might not see it for quite a while unless the opportunity presents itself.

OT: I just started watching Breaking Bad dubbed in Spanish.... it was recommended to me and I'm enjoying it so far (been lightly studying Sp for years)

What I'm excited for is season 5 of Black Mirror on June 5. It's a lot more Twisted than Deadwood...... Probably not a lot of black mirror fans here :)
I'm a Deadwood fan - I'm not a huge moviegoer so I might not see it for quite a while unless the opportunity presents itself.
Clint, it's not at theaters, HBO only for now.
I'll check out Black Mirror, never heard of it before.
edit, checked it out, no way, not my cup of tea for sure.
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<< also waiting for DEADWOOD
any high-quality western (i.e. Tombstone, Django Unchanged) has my attention.
<< also waiting for DEADWOOD
any high-quality western (i.e. Tombstone, Django Unchanged) has my attention.

Did you watch Hell on Wheels on Netflix? I finished that series before watching Deadwood.

What other westerns.......... I'll try to remember some more of my favorites.

The Lonesome Dove movies are all worth watching.

Lonesome Dove (1989)
Return to Lonesome Dove (1993)
Streets of Laredo (1995)
Dead Man's Walk (1996)
Comanche Moon (2008)
Love Tombstone but don't forget Silverado! We have both of them, as well as all the "Lonesome Dove" iterations Clint listed. Steve Zahn in Streets of Laredo absolutely nailed Robert Duvall's version of Gus from Lonesome Dove!

We haven't had "television" (over the air or cable/satellite) for a long time so we've never seen Deadwood. Heard of it though, and if it comes to the local library I'll definitely check it out.
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I remember when it premiered and thinking it would be a good one to watch but I never did. I'll give it a go when I finish my current movie. My wife enjoyed Longmire. It's not an old western such as those mentioned above. I believe it's set in the early 1970's about a sheriff in a fictional town in Wyoming. It's on my list too.

I rate it up there with the Sopranos, and Breaking Bad as a best series ever.

Two of my very favorites too Bob. I've watched the Sopranos twice, start to finish. The only part that disappointed me was the ending. I thought it was weak. Had it not been for the untimely death of James Gandolfini I feel there might have been one more season, even though they've said otherwise.
Loved Deadwood the series. The Acting was excellent, the writing superb. However, the language must be taken for the period and lack of education it portrays. Some will find the language too much and give up on a excellent series. If you do give up or are looking for an excellent Western, you must try HELL ON WEELS. I won't say anything about Deadwood the movie until Bob has seen it.

i rarely watch television unless it is sports.
my wife, however, does watch and she probably has seen every thing available.
my problem with tuning in to a series, if i miss two or four segments of it, i lose interest.

to watch a 2 hour movie requires me to stand for the majority of it... as i do for football and baseball games.
otherwise, i'll fall asleep.

I do not go to theaters to view movies, it would be like renting a recliner for two hours.

yes, I forgot SILVERADO. Excellent!

never got into the Sopranos... probably cuz its a series.
Fair warning to those thinking about watching Deadwood the series, I just looked it up and in 36 episodes the f-bomb was used 2,980 times.
There is a lot of other profanity, and there's some really vulgar and gory scenes too.
In spite of all that, like Bill said, the acting and writing is top notch.
... in 36 episodes the f-bomb was used 2,980 times.
In spite of all that, like Bill said, the acting and writing is top notch.
if you think about it, did Jesse James, Wyatt Earp, Wild Bill Hickok, Billy "The Kid" Bonney (aka Antrim), Harry Longabaugh, Black Jack Ketchum, Bat Masterson, Buffalo Bill Cody, Butch Cassidy, Kit Carson or Doc Holiday swear like that???
Did the F-word even exist back then?

I think not.
No reason to include the word as often as they do.
Here's a bit of a detour:

While I was loading up (200#) on the KBB twin packs @ Lowes a couple weeks ago Ron Clanton struck up a conversation about all the charcoal - he's big into Dutch Oven cooking and runs a blog at He said he's related (I forget the exact details) to some of these old west outlaws, hence the name of his blog "Rogue Dutch Oven Cookers".
Fair warning to those thinking about watching Deadwood the series, I just looked it up and in 36 episodes the f-bomb was used 2,980 times.
There is a lot of other profanity, and there's some really vulgar and gory scenes too.
In spite of all that, like Bill said, the acting and writing is top notch.

Several years ago, I read an amusing tidbit about the language in "Deadwood". They originally wanted to use the "vernacular of the day", but as one writer put it, the profanity in use at that time sounded more like Yosemite Sam than your typical f-bomb tossing millennial. Giving the profanity a more modern spin worked for the story -- although my wife walked around for a few months talking like Calamity Jane. :)

Several years ago, I read an amusing tidbit about the language in "Deadwood". They originally wanted to use the "vernacular of the day", but as one writer put it, the profanity in use at that time sounded more like Yosemite Sam than your typical f-bomb tossing millennial. Giving the profanity a more modern spin worked for the story -- although my wife walked around for a few months talking like Calamity Jane. :)

I had read something along those lines too.
It turns out the f-bomb has been around for a few hundred years.
It's overused in Deadwood that's for sure, but in some shows, when it's used rarely and judiciously, I think it can be either funny or reinforce a statement.
I'll admit, I use it occasionally, but Brooke our lab does not like it one bit, even if softly uttered.
Like Joanie Stubbs said, "Oh I speak French."
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I watched the first 4 episodes yesterday. I like the plot, and acting , but they defiantly go overkill with certain words.
Any one remember George Carlin's " 7 words":p


