Date code

Well, see if you can find the serial number sticker. If you can find that and still be able to read the serial number, you will know the born on date for the whole grill and not just the cook box. You can also plug the SN into webers support page and get the documentation for the grill as well.
From my Weber friend retired after 43 years with the company:

It’s a code for the casting tooling. FB-1 means Fire Box 1. There were several different casting toolings that were used. Under that is the Date Code Wheel. Can’t make it out from this pic, but if you zoom in and take a clear picture, I’ll try to decode it.
From my Weber contact:

"In the middle of the circle it shows the year, in this case it’s a zero so that would be 2000. On the outside of the circle there’s 12 pieces of pie. They put a little dot in the appropriate number of pieces of pie to signify the month. In this case it’s unusual because I see three dots, but one is blank in between. They usually go in order. I would say March or April of 2000."
I have often times thought of doing the copper end caps. I have a couple in silver but have yet to decide which lid they're going on

