It’s a code for the casting tooling. FB-1 means Fire Box 1. There were several different casting toolings that were used. Under that is the Date Code Wheel. Can’t make it out from this pic, but if you zoom in and take a clear picture, I’ll try to decode it.
I've had success reading the serial numbers and date code off of washed out stickers using a UV light. It's worth a try. Somehow the UV light allows you to read the "ghost" image from the numbers.The sticker is completely washed out. Thanks for the reply
Cool!I've had success reading the serial numbers and date code off of washed out stickers using a UV light. It's worth a try. Somehow the UV light allows you to read the "ghost" image from the numbers.
If you get a chance could you send me a picture of the silver cuz I think I might do that on my next oneI have often times thought of doing the copper end caps. I have a couple in silver but have yet to decide which lid they're going on