Country Style Ribs



Lauren brought home CSRs, potatoes and broccoli. I found some Stubb's pork marinade in the pantry, so I used it on the CSRs for about 1/2 hour (that's all the time I had.) Then I added my favorite pork rub and put them on the grill alongside the potatoes with some hickory.

After about an hour and rotating the pork around, I added back in the marinade and covered it Dutch oven style. I really was improvising here.


Brian (my younger son) said I should do a final sear on the CSRs, so I did.

Then I used a baster to pull up the sauce but not the rendered fat and pour over the pork.

Plated with the potato fixed up with butter, green onions, and bacon bits; Lauren's baked broccoli and cherry tomatoes; and the CSRs. Oh, and a Barolo.

Really wasn't planning to post but Lampe's pork steaks inspired me! The CSRs really came out good--hopefully I can remember everything I did!
Dale, that's looks real good. I have a " Dutch oven" that has a green enamel on the outside and I think I'm going to break it in doing your recipe. My wife has never used it. So hopefully I won't get in trouble.
I like the idea of using the dutch oven. Your CSR's and dinner plate look fantastic, Dale!
Dale, your plate dinner plate is ARTWORK man!! Absolutely Beautiful!!
now, your MY inspiration for my dinner tonight! Thanks buddy! :)

