Country Ribs


Jay C.

New member
I have seen lots of threads about cooking slabs of ribs but how about country ribs (i.e., the thick ribs which are individually cut and prepackaged)? How are these cooked on a WSM are far as time? Are they any good? Thanks!
Country ribs are just butt cut into strips.

You could cook them like spare ribs or baby backs or just like butt.

They're excellent.
Country ribs around me come in 2 flavors:

Country ribs, cut from the loin, or a leaner cut I grill these quick perhaps a little smoke from a smoker box, but not usually and people like them.

Country ribs as mentioned above, cut up shoulder or butt, i like to take a bit longer and smoke these, both great.

We just ate some yummy country ribs. I rubbed with Wolfe rub and put into a cassorole dish with apple juice. Baked at 350 for 1.5 hrs then finished on grill with BBQ sauce. I was about to give up on grilled country ribs but this worked very good. Very tender and still had grillled flavor.
Lordy, we grill country ribs direct to sear then indirect to finish the cook. Slather em with sauce and chow down! They're wonderful and inexpensive.
Marinate them if you like, you'll love'm too!
Welcome Jay C.
The search ( Find ) button is your friend.

There is some good threads on doing CSR'S on the WSM right here.
Hope that helps.


