COSTCO brisket gift


Mark Foreman

TVWBB Wizard
My son brought me a COSTCO brisket as a gift.

I broke it down as I want to use it for different recipes.

Was 16 pounds at the start and over 11 pounds once trimmed.

The piece on the left was cut in half and braised for last nights dinner.

The other part was mixed with scraps for chili.

The flat on the right was cut in half (3.5 lbs each), 1 for a smoked brisket dinner and the other half will be pastrami.

Still need to figure out what to do with the thin piece in the middle?? Any thoughts?
First , get the "head" out of the way. The middle piece looks like a twisted old man. lol

Then, grind it up and make a great MEATLOAF!!!!
Actually I would rather grind up the first piece. It looks like it has more fatty flavor.

