TVWBB 2-Star Olympian
No I never heard of it. I always was in Chicago and or Skokie and when you want fine deli it's where you have to be. There was a place I can't remember the name of back when we lived in Woodstock but far northeast side of Chicago and or Skokie. Nirvana. When we moved out here I started asking people "where can I find good deli here?" And you would think I had 2 heads and 6 eyes the way they they started back. Then I would get "What's deli". I knew I had left civilization as I knew it.
Occasionally I will make my own and it turns out not half bad but not like being in the city. Can't find any really good ethnic food here save for Mexican.
Occasionally I will make my own and it turns out not half bad but not like being in the city. Can't find any really good ethnic food here save for Mexican.