Cooking Butt in advance and pulling at a later time. Possible?


A. Brock

New member
I've got a party planned for this Saturday - initially my plan was to overnight two butts on Friday to be ready for the party on Saturday. I know a lot of people make butts before, then pull, then save and reheat... is it possible to do this without pulling the butt?

I guess my question is - could I smoke the butts to doneness on Thursday, then keep it/refrigerate them whole? Then reheat on the smoker to temperature and pull on Saturday? How long would they take to come back up to temperature?
1. I'm not sure you'll be able to pull the meat if you chill it whole.
2. It will take a LOT longer to reheat a whole butt than the pulled pork.

Pull it, refrigerate the pulled pork, reheat for the party. It'll be fine.
Agree with Dave. I've done this several times, and the pulled pork is still extremely good the next day. No, it's not quite as good as fresh off the smoker, but your guests will still love it.
Agree with Dave and Bryan. Pull it refrigerate in a foil pan and reheat itis that pan. Just mix it a few times when your reheating.

