Cooking 6 butts


Jeff Bordner

TVWBB Member
I am cooking 6 butts for a graduation. The total weight is 57 pounds each is 9-10 pounds. Can I cook all of them at once? They all seem to fit rather easy.

The most I have coocked at once is 2 butts so any help would be great!
Sure, go for it, just budget a little extra time is all. With all that cold meat going in at once and acting as a big heat sink it'll take longer to get the ball rolling.
Nothing to be nervous about. They'll come out great. Doing the same - 6 butts for graduation.
I just did 6 8lb butts a week ago for a graduation party. I could NOT fit all 6 in my 18.5" WSM, as I could only fit 2 per grate.

As far as the cooking goes, it does use more charcoal to maintain temp (225 - 235) with the cooker filled and the water pan filled with water for most of the cook. I would recommend filling the charcoal ring as much as possible.

Good luck.
This will be a piece of cake on a 22. I did 8 last week on my 22. 4 on top and 4 on the bottom. It will take longer than 2 but you will have no problems at all with 6 butts.
One thing to keep in mind: Be sure to give yourself enough time to pull and chop all of the meat. It will take a lot of time, if you are the type that tries to get all of the fat out.

Good luck, and let us know how it goes.
I've made four at a time on my 18" many times. However long you think it will take, give it another 4 hours. It can always sit and rest for as long as you need within reason. Don't be afraid to add coals if they start to dwindle.

Most folks notice that there's a long plateau at about 160 - don't panic. It will go higher. Just be patient. And drink a lot of beer.
Jeff, if they are all over 10 lbs it will be real tight in the 18.5. If most of them are around 9 9.5 should be a piece of cake. I did three over 10 lbs a couple of weeks ago and ended up using two grates. Usually,I can fit three to a grate by standing on end.
Good luck with the cook Jeff. 6 in the 22 is no problem. Paul was right you might want to rotate the butts half way though the cook. Especially if you are not using water in the pan.
Thanks everybody. I wouldn't be so worried but the timing for the cook is awful. I need to leave during the beginning of the cook. I have a stoker but I'm still worried.

I need to leave about noon for the open house. I have to leave at 6pm the night before and won't be back till 10pm. I feel 10pm will be way to late to start the cook. From past cooks I'm thinking I need to figure 14-16 hours for the 57 pounds.

If I wrap them in foil and put them in a cooler how long would they stay warm?
When cooking 6 on my 18", I put three in a triangle, and use bamboo skewers to help them stand up a bit. In other words, they are cooking more on their ends than on the flat side. Works like a charm!
I have done 3 on a grate in my 18 incher b4. What I did was make a tripod sort of with skewers. instead of laying the butts down stand them up in a circle and lean them in a little and use wooden skewers to keep them standing in a tripod shape. It will be real tight especially if you have large butts but it will fit!
Well I started about 7pm last night. I had one done at 8:30 this morning, it was smaller than the rest. I'm at 185 on the last 5, hopefully they will be done by 11am.

It was no problem fitting 6 butts with a combined weight of 57 pounds. As far as the smoker coming up to temp that was a non-issue also. I startep with about 3/4 a chimney.

I also didn't rotate them. The temps were extremely close between the top and bottom rack. I couldn't see messing with it.

All in all things have went great. Looks like it will in up being a 16 hour cook for the remaining 5 butts. I ran 230 at the grate the entire time.

Thanks for all the input!
I've got 5 butts (40 lbs) on my 18.5 WSM right now - they're for a graduation too. I put the 2 biggest ones on top rack and the 3 smaller ones (6-8 lbs) on the lower rack, the smallest of the 3 is standing upright.
Originally posted by Chris F.:
I've got 5 butts (40 lbs) on my 18.5 WSM right now - they're for a graduation too. I put the 2 biggest ones on top rack and the 3 smaller ones (6-8 lbs) on the lower rack, the smallest of the 3 is standing upright.

I did the opposite. I put the smallest on the top. Seemed to work out. Not sure what the best way is.
6 seems a popular number today. I just pulled off 6 butts (62 lbs) from my Char-Griller with smokebox. 12 hrs on the nose. KF to start and then feed Cherry and White Oak logs throughout.

Holding in the cooler for a few hours and then having a pulling party tonight. Party is tomorrow. Also marinating 80 lbs of thighs and legs for the grill tomorrow (5x2 charcoal table) and then 25lbs of burgers.

Thank God I don't have to do the sides!
Originally posted by Kevin Kelly (KK):
6 seems a popular number today. I just pulled off 6 butts (62 lbs) from my Char-Griller with smokebox. 12 hrs on the nose. KF to start and then feed Cherry and White Oak logs throughout.

Holding in the cooler for a few hours and then having a pulling party tonight. Party is tomorrow. Also marinating 80 lbs of thighs and legs for the grill tomorrow (5x2 charcoal table) and then 25lbs of burgers.

Thank God I don't have to do the sides!

Wow that is a lot of food! I did the 6 butts, 2 beer can chicken and about 35 burgers today. That was plenty for me to try and tackle.

Also welcome to the forum!!

