Cook Schedule


Sean Ruff

TVWBB Member
I am providing pulled pork for a friend's birthday party on Saturday evening but I am operating under a tight schedule until then. In prior situations I have prepared the pork a week in advance and immediately vacuum sealed and placed in the freezer. This time, however, I have been asked to provide more than what is necessary for the party for leftovers that will be frozen for later use. Thus, I cannot pre-freeze. If I smoke on Thursday and refrigerate until Saturday will there be any noticeable quality difference than if the pork was frozen immediately? My experience tells me no but I wanted to get a feel for other people's opinion as this will be for a crowd of people who are not strangers to good Q.
Proceed as usual, but in addition to freezing one lot of pork for the party, also freeze excess in small quantities (pounds) for use after the party. Why should they have to package and freeze? do it for them
I see no problem, especially if you vacuum seal the pork.

Spent a few years in your area. Grew up in Annandale.

