Cook Brisket Friday serve Sunday?



New member
Could use some advise please. planning on cooking a 14-16lb whole packer brisket HH on Friday and would like to serve it on Sunday. The questions that I have are:

1) After it is fork tender, was going to let it rest on counter for 30 to 60 min then cool in freezer for about 2 or 3 hours to bring internal temp down then fridge till Sunday morning.

2) should I leave it whole or cut it up now?

3) to warm on Sunday morning going to put in foil pan, with all the juice that was saved from the cook and warm in over at 180 degrees till internal get to about 140 or so.

any thought on this process would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks Ed
That's tough question... I wish I had an answer...I'm guessing you can't smoke early morning Sunday? How about doing a pulled pork instead? It's a little more forgiving when reheating...
After the brisket rests for 30-45 minutes, I would separating the flat from the point, remove all the fat, slice up the entire brisket, and let it cool in a disposable foil pan with all the juices. Once cooled, seal up the pan with foil and then refrigerate. To reheat, I would place the foiled pan in a 200 degree F oven until warmed through.

-- Mache
Why serve leftovers on Sunday morning?

If I were you, I'd start that brisket about dinner time on Saturday so it's ready Sunday morning.
I have had good luck re-heating the brisket in the slow cooker with a little water and some bbq sauce. Just a word of caution that it tends to break down even more so if you do it that way you may want to slightly under cook it and have it finish the process as it is re-heated.

