Controlling temperature when using lump

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I did a brisket today and used lump for the first time. I had a lot of trouble keeping the temperature down. It was consistently 270-280 throughout the cook even though I had all bottom vents closed and the top one only about a quarter open. I used the Minion method and had sand in the water pan. The brisket came out OK, not as good as ones I've done using Kingsford (it was tender but a little dry).

Did I use too much fuel or is there some trick to keeping the temperature down when using hotter burning lump charcoal?
As a Kingsford user, I await the answers from the lump afficianados.
i have used lump a few times...i def dont light as many as when i use kingsford....lump burns much much hotter so you dont need as much. and ya know once ya get the temp high on this baby. its hard to bring it down...though you can try next time it happens put some cold water in the pan... time try puttin in fewer lit coals...its much easier to add more coals if its not hot enough rather than take out if its to high.. so next time.... light less....thats my 2cents.. good luck
How much of the lump did you light to begin with? I'm not a briquette user, but the key to lower temps with lump is to just light a small area and let it slowly come up to your desired temp instead of starting quick and trying to bring it down. I used a chimney starter on my first lump experience and couldn't hold the temp below 280-300. I learned to start my fires with a few starter cubes or green gel placed in the center and on top of my lump. I usually try to start an area about the diameter of a softball.
Lump user here. How much did you start with? And at what temp on the way up did you start closing vents down? Never had a problem with high temps when using lump. Bryan
BRYAN!!!! thats cuz your a professional....

used lump the other day (without the guru) and my temp was at 280 with everything closed...couldnt figure out why...can you guess why??? i forgot to put water in the pan..cuz im used to using the guru.. added water..and bam..down to 240....
Mords, When the temp is climbing up you need to start shutting down the vents in the 190 - 195 range so it doesn't get out of controll. When i lit my lump last night i used a propane torch and just lit 3 small areas. When using lump and the MM i lite the lump with 10 briqus of kinsford. Hope this helps.
Thats interesting that you light using kingsford for the lump..when i lit lump i just put in chimney starter and light.. and then i just dump like half of the chimney starter in...mmm...i like your way.. you have more control of the heat....however ..the other day ..i used only lump cuz i coudlnt find kingsford anywhere close and i dindt have time to go to HD.. thanks
I used the MM yesterday with lump to smoke half a picnic. No problem with temp control. I agree with those above, start with less lit. I had about 1/4 to 1/3 of a chimney. Let it come up slow and fiddled with it to get it right. Really went most of the day at the 230-250 range.
I used too much to start - 1/2 a chimney starter. I started with the bottom vents open about 1/4 and closed them fast, but not fast enough. Lesson learned for next time.

Thanks to all for your replies.
You might also want to check for an air leak. Is your door fitting snug? With a tight unit, I would think that with all vents closed and the top vent partially closed, your temp should have come down. A half a chimney is not so much as to not be able to control the temp.

Also, as mentioned above, did you use water? If you were using water, then I really think you have an air leak or a thermometer reading wrong. It's hard to get over 250º even if the ring is fully lit if there is a pan of water in the wsm.
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