Coming Out of Retirement with a HH Brisket - tips/suggestions?



New member
After a few years of lying dormant (aside occasional smoking up a few butts last summer for a few parties) and experimenting with other forms of cooking such as sous vide - I'm ready for a fun summer of BBQ!

To get things going, I have a 15# untrimmed brisket sitting in the fridge ready for a rub down tomorrow morning and a High Heat smoke. Oddly, I've only done brisket one other time about 3 years ago.

The TVWBB has been such an awesome community and is truly what got me started in BBQ in the first place!

Anyway - if anyone has advice, tips or suggestions, please post!

Thanks to all!


Glad to hear you're going to fire her up again there. I look forward to hearing about your cook. I've yet to do a brisket and love to read about others experiences.
The only thing I change is using a rub with no sugar. My last three briskets were high heat. I even did and 18 pounder in 7 hours that was great. I think from now on I'll rarely do a L&S for brisket. I'll stick with L&S for butts and ribs though. I had trouble getting the temperature up in the beginning for the first two hours even with my vents all the way open and a full chimney on the 18 pounder. Ken
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I'm looking to do the HH method as well. Do you remove the water pan in for a heat sinc or remove it?
I leave the pan in, but it has a ceramic clay base inside that i foil over. I think it's necessary for heat deflection.

Edit: I may take the water pan completely out after reading Six's post above.

Six, what did you use for rub? Sauce? Your brisket looks great!

Thanks for the suggestions! I'll take pics along the way!
(This is also a bribery brisket for a friend to come over and help wire up my new hot tub)
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I use a foiled dry pan, I foil the top pushing the foil down making a small bowl to catch the drippings leaving a large air gap between the bottom of the bowl and the foil. I place my door upside down and prop it open for extra airflow to keep the heat higher.
Yes, I think I'm going to take out my clay pot and just like you, use the empty pan and foil to catch drippings. I'm using Stubbs charcoal which runs hot so hopefully I won't have to prop open the door to achieve those mid 300° temps...
I leave the pan in, but it has a ceramic clay base inside that i foil over. I think it's necessary for heat deflection.

Edit: I may take the water pan completely out after reading Six's post above.

Six, what did you use for rub? Sauce? Your brisket looks great!

Thanks for the suggestions! I'll take pics along the way!
(This is also a bribery brisket for a friend to come over and help wire up my new hot tub)
I believe that i used McCormick's Montreal Steak seasoning for the rub. I didn't mop or sprits during the cook.

