Cold Smoking


Jon Bressner

New member
I've been making sausage lately. Does anyone have any success using the WSM for low temperature smoking? I'm looking to initially smoke, not cook sausage links. Any tips on maintaining 150° temperature for a couple of hours?
I've been making sausage lately. Does anyone have any success using the WSM for low temperature smoking? I'm looking to initially smoke, not cook sausage links. Any tips on maintaining 150° temperature for a couple of hours?
I've done it in the past with a single snake setup, and managing airflow with a single vent. Top vent wide open, as you want decent airflow in the chamber. Depending on how tight your WSM is, this could be easier or harder to accomplish! :)

I’ve used the stainless steel tube with pellets in most all of my smokers for cold smoke with sometimes adding a chunk of smoldering wood to the smoker for extra flavor.
I’ve tried the single snake method but didn’t have much luck keeping it lit.
I’ve only done cold smoke on lox, cheese or pork belly bacon.
Never tried it on sausage but it should work.
I’d like to buy or build a smoke generator that uses a fish pump for forced air.
No luck with real cold smoking (traditional Northern European way), but...
I use the wsm as a "vessel".
Just adding a cold smoke generator (i use the proQ) with sawdust.

I can only cold smoke in the winter and at night.
For decently good lox there is a really nice brining method that requires no smoke or smoker and most people I’ve served it to had no clue that it was a brine only recipe.
Sam the cook guy has the recipe on YouTube.
I didn't read the original post properly.
150 F is not proper cold smoking though.
I was talking about 20 oC or less (68-70 F).
You might be able to hold the wsm at the temps you want if the outside temperature is low enough.
BUT before you do, read up on all things smoking and maybe compromise and go a bit higher so you don't need to worry anout nitrites, botulism etc and stay above 72 oC (162 F).

If you want to venture into "proper" cold smoking etc, pls have a look at adam marianski's book "quality production of etc ". And their website/forum

