Cleaning WSM Exterior



TVWBB Member

How do you clean the exterior of your WSM? Mines looking a bit rough. Just wondering what experience shows is the best method.


I wait until the WSM is hot during a cook and CAREFULLY take a bundle of wet rags to it. A pair of gloves couldn't hurt either, to bad I haven't learned that lesson yet.
Once a year I use 409 and some super fine steel wool (0000) on all the Weby's. Takes off all the grunge and smoke deposits.

Originally posted by J Reyes:
How about baked grease on the door?
I had some Cameo aluminum and stainless steel cleanser under the kitchen sink. Tried it on the outside of the aluminum door with a scrub brush and it came out beautiful.

Dawn Power Dissolver if you can find it. It comes in blue spray bottles.

Spray on, wipe with a damp sponge, wipe with a non abrasive bad to clean up the thicker spots. Rinse/wipe off with a wet sponge and towel dry.

Works great on the Performer table as well. Really nice on stainless.

Have to say though that I am less diligent of late. Although I do keep the outside pretty clean still.
The only time I'll clean the ouside is When spill something on. The inside only if it gets moldy. then, I'll get it really hot and let the fire burn everything off. Then take a plastic putty knife to get the stubborn deposits and finally brush it all out. I never clean the rim on the bottom or the top rim. Just be careful, you can get the thing out of round if you are too rough with.

