Cleaning a WSM with a stiff bristle brush?


Will S F

New member
Hey, I figure this information is posted somewhere. I just can't find it. I'm cleaning my WSM the old fashioned way (with dawn and a dish rag my sister knitted) because I didn't want to scratch the porcelain enamel. My question is two fold:what do you all use? A stiff bristle brush? If so what kind of stiff bristle brush? Nylon? Steel? I was worried steel would be to hard nylon wouldn't be hard enough? Until then, it's elbow grease for me!
Thanks all, take care.
Why? What are you cleaning? You've had the WSM 2 months? It isn't dirty so save yourself some work.
Save myself work!?!!? I hadn't thought of that.... well I was mainly thinking of the brown flaky stuff that appears on the bottom of the lid, that appears like rust but is not. As well as wiping off enough grease to keep the lid from sticking to the middle section. Interesting though, perhaps I am putting more work in than is necessary...I will give the nylon dobie a shot. I though those things were steel but I never use 'em so I'll have to check them out. Thanks guys, you have given me more to ponder :)
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I just use whatever scraper/ brush that's handy for that built up crap which can fall down on you're cook.
Yes it's PC coated and can take some abuse. Whatever scratches that will occur will quickly be sealed up by the next cook ( think grease,gunk or seasoning as some like to call it)
IMO it's pretty much bullet proof and has the same coating ( yea it is thinner, but... ) as a cast iron sink or tub..

Where are suppose clean the grates???

After every cook I put them on top of the charcoal ring and quickly remove any excess gunk or meat stuck on. Spray with Pam and I'm done....
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That's actually what I was referring too. He says he uses a stiff bristle brush for the before cleanup. I was wondering what people use, nylon or what not.
I use balled up foil for the lid and inards when it gets BAD. I use a brush on the grates. My smoker has never seen dawn or a dishrag in the 10 years or so I have had it. A well seasoned smoker smells good enough to eat :)

