Chimney Starting

hey, what can i say.
please try again.

if it still dosen't work, search amazon or web for "Starter Logg".

most of the chain supermarkets in my area stock these.
Looks like a nice product. I use those weber firestarters myself which is very easy. this might even be better
thanks. funny how someone can forget and remember "simultaneously".
icon_wink.gif always used the side burner on the Genesis to light mine ,then I'll set it on a couple of fire bricks to finish. I take advantage of all my Weber equipment.
I find the best way to light the chimney is to get your wad of Newspaper and drizzle it with oil.
I usually use Vegetable Oil since it's cheaper than Olive Oil. In the past It would take me Three-Four attempts with just Newspaper. But with the Oil soaked Paper, it lights up the first try everytime!
I use a similar method as Stu. However, I use 2 squares of paper towel. It seems like the paper towel burns completely. It doesn't leave ash like newspaper to blow around.

