Chimney Starter Method

I still use newspapers, however, I light them with a propane torch and also light some of the bottom coals while I have it out. My charcoal is ready in 15 minutes
For me using "One" of Webers paraffin cubes is perfect and never had it not light a batch Kingsford Blue in a Weber chimney for me.

I have started to do the same. For 3.50 a box at home depot you can't go wrong. You get 24 cubes. Less mess than the paper ashes. So you get to light your fire 24 times for only 3.50. I can afford that :)
Received a jar of wine corks filled with alcohol for my b-day as a present. Card said to use as charcoal starters, works fine with no after taste that a can detect. Just be sure and not to use the synthetic corks.
I started using Weber's fire starter cubes some time ago. At first, I used two. Then, I discovered that one works quite well and is half the cost:rolleyes:...

I use an an empty tuna can turned upside down, perch the lit cube on top and set my chimney over it. It works perfectly and is easy to use and only leaves a little charred ash cube which I dump in the fire to be totally consumed. Much nicer than newspaper ash.


I use a similar method only I cluster 3 briquettes together under the chimney and set the cube on top of them.
Okay, since we are talking chimney's, has anyone used this one yet?

2013-07-28 20.09.16 by tspindle, on Flickr

Weber 7447 Compact Rapid Fire chimney. I just got this last week, and have been using it for my Jumbo Joe and my mini WSM. Just the right amount of charcoal for the Jumbo, and lights very quickly with a single Weber cube.
Tom I just got mine last week too. I didnt have any small cooks this past weekend so I haven't tried it. Hope to this coming weekend.

I use loosely crumpled up newspaper. The Sundays edition goes a long way. ;)
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Can someone give me a rough idea on how many Briquettes the Weber Chimney Starter holds?

I have a generic one (For $10.00 less than the Weber, but mainly because the Home Depot I was at didn't carry the Weber) and I'm curious to know how different it is than the Weber.

Here's a picture of mine with some Kingsford Blue briquettes in it for scale.

Received a jar of wine corks filled with alcohol for my b-day as a present. Card said to use as charcoal starters, works fine with no after taste that a can detect. Just be sure and not to use the synthetic corks.

That's a form of recycling I can get into! Now I have a valid reason when SHMBO asks why I keep bringing home so many bottles of wine.
Can someone give me a rough idea on how many Briquettes the Weber Chimney Starter holds?

I have a generic one (For $10.00 less than the Weber, but mainly because the Home Depot I was at didn't carry the Weber) and I'm curious to know how different it is than the Weber.

Here's a picture of mine with some Kingsford Blue briquettes in it for scale.

I believe that my full size chimney holds around 5Lbs, and the compact chimney holds around 1Lb.

