Chicken Sausages


Peter Gallagher

Made up a batch of chicken sausages - We first roasted some garlic and peppers from our garden and then added some white wine, salt, sugar, pepper, parsley & buttermilk powder:


Ground up a bunch of thighs and added a bit of leaf lard - and stuffed them up - I got a new electric stuffer which is pretty amazing - the days of hand cranking are over! (or, at least until the electric stuffer breaks down or something :p)

They look like this:


grilled a couple up, and served with fresh beans from the garden - yumm!


details here:

As an avid sausage maker, those look great, I have never had or made sausage with chicken. Can you describe the flavor or compare it to a particular food.

When we're hosting a BBQ or something, I've always thought its important to have a chicken something alternative for those who may not want pork or beef- that's how these sort of evolved - As it turns out, now these chicken sausages are some of the favorites when we host - folks love them - I'm not sure what that says about the other stuff we make, but at least I know folks enjoy these!

These are packed with flavor - especially garlic. We grow a lot of garlic, and cook with it all the time - I think 'normal' people would probably use 1/2 to a 1/4 of the amount we put in, but what can I say - we're garlic lovers. We make sort of a paste with white wine and the roasted garlic. This garlic paste, along with the roasted anaheim peppers adds tons of moisture - so they they're never dry. Texture-wise, I'd say they are very close to a brat - so maybe a little lighter than a polish or Italian. Using just thighs (sometimes some legs too) keeps them firm enough. I'll always be a hot Italian first guy, but these are really a nice alternative. They are great with pasta and white sauce or just olive oil and parm as well.
When we're hosting a BBQ or something, I've always thought its important to have a chicken something alternative for those who may not want pork or beef- that's how these sort of evolved - As it turns out, now these chicken sausages are some of the favorites when we host - folks love them - I'm not sure what that says about the other stuff we make, but at least I know folks enjoy these!

These are packed with flavor - especially garlic. We grow a lot of garlic, and cook with it all the time - I think 'normal' people would probably use 1/2 to a 1/4 of the amount we put in, but what can I say - we're garlic lovers. We make sort of a paste with white wine and the roasted garlic. This garlic paste, along with the roasted anaheim peppers adds tons of moisture - so they they're never dry. Texture-wise, I'd say they are very close to a brat - so maybe a little lighter than a polish or Italian. Using just thighs (sometimes some legs too) keeps them firm enough. I'll always be a hot Italian first guy, but these are really a nice alternative. They are great with pasta and white sauce or just olive oil and parm as well.
Thanks. I like to make sausage in the cooler months & I will be adding your recipe to my list of sausages. I too love garlic & I associate sausage with garlic, I cannot put enough of it in all my other types that I make.

