I just tried the recipe and technique as described in Vaughn's article. 1 1/4" thick pork steaks with 60/40 salt/pepper. about half a mini-chimney of Weber briqs lit and poured over a ring full of lump mixed with some leftover briquettes and a couple chunks of pecan and cherry. 18" WSM with no water pan. used my DigiQ to keep temp around 260-270 ish. Where Vaughn says Tootsie takes 4-5 hours, this took less than 2 hours to hit 145* internal. Granted, Snows' pits are 30 inches between coals and grate, and a stock WSM is only about 16", and the recipe calls for 2 inch thick steaks. I used the mop recipe (divided by 4 - I didn't need a gallon of it). Seared at the end. We were quite happy with the dinner - I have been asked to put this in the rotation...
Did the meat pull like pulled pork, or did you eat it more like a regular beef steak?