charcoal turned to mud like substance


Kyle Ss

TVWBB Member
Last smoke before winter I closed the air holes and forgot to open them once the briquettes burned out. So I decided today I'd clean out the smoker so next cook i wouldn't have to do it. I found mold which I wasn't surprised at but the old charcoal (kingsford) turned into a wet clay or mud like substance and I was confused. Because I live in an urban environment, i don't have a hose/water source in my outdoor area and cleaning it without a hose will be tough. Anyone know what this is and how to clean it best? Pretty gross.
I have a photo but can't figure out how to upload it here.
It's probably water from condensation inside the smoker. Scoop it out and put it in a plastic bag. For a final clean up use a couple gallo jugs of water to rinse it at the curb.

