I've still got a good bit of regular K that comes in the blue bag left from last year and won't stock up again this year. I think I've learned that you get what you pay for, and the stuff is just too prone to suffocating itself from all the ash produced.....whether grilling OR smoking. I'm gonna leave it at that. Just my .02 cents.
On a positive note, though, Costco runs really good coupons from time to time of the Kingsford Comp, which is much better than the regular Kingsford. At least they did last year and I'd stock up. Wicked Good is supposed to be the best in both lump and briquettes, but shipping will get you if you can't find a local dealer. I would encourage looking around at specialty stores for the premium brands like that, Ozark Oak, Humpreys, and whatever else the Naked site or others rate highly. The better the fuel, the less you'll use, so it may be a bargain after all. On the cheap side of lump, Royal Oak lump is sold at a pretty good price at Walmart. I get it in the big bag at Restaurant Depot, but I don't think you need to have a tax exemption or business license at Gordon Food Service (GFS), and they have pretty good prices, too. I've also bought RO through Doitbest.com and skipped shipping charges since it's delivered to a participating local hardware store.