Charcoal help!

I wish I could start this morning all over again. Thank you so much for your input!

No problem. It wouldn't be any fun if there wasn't anything to learn along the way, but on the other hand, relax and don't overthink it. Take a few notes for your next cook, and look forward to tweaking it a bit or going a different route altogether. It's all good as long as you and the folks you're cooking for are happy.
The Minion Method was how I started this morning. I think I may have over compensated for lump burning hotter that briquettes. I did not fill the charcoal ring and at around 220* I closed all three bottom vents to 50% open. The temp stayed around 220* for around 4 hours then it slowly deteriorated over the next hour and the only way I could regain temp was to open the door with full open vents.
I would love to make RO work exclusively so I am open to any advice you may have. Also, I wanted to use RO due to the fact that I felt like my end products (brisket or butt) would come a little bitter using Blue bag. Again, would love to hear your thoughts.

Thanks again,


A couple of thoughts for you. First let me say that I am not currently a lump user, I have considered it but have too large of a stockpile of KBB at present to make the change. That being said I've not tasted any bitterness when using KBB for any of my cooks. I tend to let my smoker come mostly up to temp (which usually gets rid of the bitter first smoke that KBB produces when it is lit) before adding meat though. Like others have said, experiment find what you like and stick with it.

One suggestion that I found to be good advise was to use whatever you are familiar with (be it KBB or lump or 100% hardwood briquettes) until you're comfortable with operating your WSM. That way there won't be too many things changing at the same time leaving you totally confused and unable to hone in on your technique. Just a thought.

Finally I want to link you to the charcoal grate modification section of the Virtual Weber Bullet website. I would recommend checking it out if you haven't already. While you're at it check out the rest of the Cooking and Operating Tips! Lots of good info over there.

Good luck!
To the OP.
I'm shocked your local stores don't carry RO. Next time you're at Krogers, see if they have their own branded "Hardwood Lump Charcoal." It's just rebranded RO. Read the back of the bag and see if it has the 100% satisfaction guarantee. I have used it many times. You might be surprised how many "store brands," are just rebranded RO lump/briquettes.

I find it fun to try different charcoal (when on sale lol), but find no difference in the way the food taste. I can find KBB anywhere and works great. Like others have said, don't overthink it. My suggestion is stick with what you can buy without driving all over town. Spend more money on better meat, instead of more expensive charcoal... Just my opinion.
I'm a Stubbs + Jack Daniels barrel wood guy; I get the most consistent results and less fuel burn because I don't have to refill with fully lit coals. Also looking to try some of the coconut briquettes Lowe's now carries.

