Change of plans


Bill - Bigbill

What's that old saying: I make plans and God laughs at me!
I started my morning off, (after sleeping in a little late), planning on picking up a leg o lamb to try on the new
rotisserie, and then swinging by my guy to pick up the WSM.

Off to Whole Foods, only had 1 Leg, and it would have fed a Football Team. I really wanted to do a
Rolled & Tied Butterflied Leg.
Off to the butcher where I get my hi-end meats, No lamb. had him call his sister store, no lamb.
Passed a Waldbaums on the way home, no lamb.
Tried the better grocer in town, no lamb.
One last check at Stop & Rob, no lamb.

So, I decided to try a Turkey breast, and Stop & Rob had 1 left.
By now, I was so disgusted that I decided to forgo picking up WSM until I go there on Tuesday for
my regular weekly visit.

Injected bird with a butter/broth combo with Garlic Powder, Onion Powder, S&P.
Used my stock rub mix (S&P, Onion & Garlic Powder, Chipotle Powder, Smoked Paprika, Thyme, Oregano.

Set up rotisserie on my kettle, fired up a chimney of Kingsford Blue, and bracket drip pan with coals, and some Hickory Chunks.

Coming up to temp:

Bird starting off:

One hour into cook:

Ready to come off 168 degrees in thickest part:

Sorry for no plated pictures, but let me tell you, that was the absolute best turkey
I have ever eaten. I can't believe it took me just over 60 years to try this out.

So, all in all I guess I got the LAST LAUGH!!

