Cedar Planks are back at Costco


Brian Thomas

I was in Costco yesterday and noticed they their cedar planks are back in stock. I imagine they'll keep them in stock at least through Memorial Day Weekend so plenty of time to stock up. The price is $9.99 for a pack of 8! That is a great deal!
Brian, would you mind posting the link to the planks you mention?

That is a good price (8 for $9.99 = $1.25 ea) if the size is the same as this AMAZON LINK that Dale McGee shared (12 FOR 19.95 = $1.66 ea) - 5.5" x 11.00" x 1/3" Upgraded Thickness!
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Brian, would you mind posting the link to the planks you mention?

That is a good price (8 for $9.99 = $1.25 ea) if the size is the same as this AMAZON LINK that Dale McGee shared (12 FOR 19.95 = $1.66 ea) - 5.5" x 11.00" x 1/3" Upgraded Thickness!

Well they're not the same size as the ones you mentioned. They're bigger! 16"X7". The thickness is the same. I didn't see them listed on their website so they are probably a warehouse only item.
Brian & Rita;
That is a terrific price and, in this case, bigger IS better! Hopefully, everyone's local warehouse will have the same deal!

I stopped by my favorite Costco and they DID have the Cedar Planks at the excellent price of $9.99. Naturally, I increased my stack of planks just a "bit"...:rolleyes:

I had hoped that they might have some Alder planks but they did not:(. Oh well, I'm probably not missing anything, anyway. I just wanted to try out the Alder planks (I have never cooked on anything but Cedar planks). I should just remember, "If it's not broken..."

At any rate, for those that can find them, the Warehouse price at Costco is a good deal. You might want to buy up some for the near future. Also, if you manage to hit the timing right, sometimes, in late May or so, they clear off the shelves for the "next new thing" and the price drops seriously. Last year I bought a bunch at about 1/3 the regular price (keep in mind that the regular price was a good deal higher that the deal above).

Thanks, guys and gals, for the "heads up"...

Keep on smokin',
4/20/16. I called Costco Perimeter/Dunwoody in the Atlanta area and they have deleted the order and they are not on order. The Brookhaven store, a smaller Costco, never carried them. Bummer. :(

They had stacks of them at the south StL county Costco today.
but food that touches cedar will never touch my lips. :)
I just checked at Home Depot. They have planks (four for #3.98). That's a buck a piece for full size planks. Good deal considering I get three or four cooks out of them when I do fish (only takes 7.5-20 minutes depending on how thick it is).


If you have a container handy (I just use a large metal tray full of water) and put the plank in the water immediately after you remove the food, it'll stop the burning immediately and will extend the life.

Keep in mind, of course, that if you cook fish on a plank, you should reserve that plank for fish only (fish oils stay with the plank and can cause an off flavor on something else). Right after I use a plank either I or my wife scapes the plank under running water and air dries it. Then, it is a good idea to put the clean/dry plank in a brown paper bag to keep it clean. The paper bag breathes and will eliminate a possibility of mold on the board.

When I use a plank (whether new or used), I soak it for a couple of hours in water. I just shake the water off, and put the food side towards the fire for two-three minutes (by the watch) to sterilize the food side. Then, I flip the board and close the lid. When it starts smoking (typically 5-7 minutes) I then place the food on the plank.

Just a thought or two...

Keep on smokin',

