Can I smoke Brisket and Ribs at the same time?


Richard Sharpe

New member
After getting the hang of ribs in the WSM, I'm looking to expand my horizons. And I love a good brisket.

I've got a brisket lined up from my local butcher for the weekend, and I'm going for a Saturday night overnight cook. The parents in law will be visiting for Sunday lunch

However - I hear that brisket isn't the easiest cut to pull off - especially first time. So I'm thinking that I'll put some ribs on also as insurance. As I figure it, the brisket will go on late Saturday night, and I'll add a couple of racks to the smoker early Sunday morning.

Any thoughts about this plan? Is it doomed? Will it affect the brisket? Are there any food safety issues I should be aware of?


Shouldn't be a problem. They're very compatible, except for start time. Might need to add some more fuel in the a.m. to extend the cook time and you'll be adding a new heat sink with the fresh meat - that will suck up some heat. I still struggle some with briskets so I hope you'll get some good tips on that. There's tons written about it on the board, as well as ribs, of course.

Sounds like a fun weekend. Good luck.


When it's time to add the ribs, move the brisket to the bottom grate and the the ribs baste the brisket. It'll add a nice flavor to the brisket...probably not as much as a butt would though.

Do you know yet what size it will be? Is it what we refer to here as a 'packer' (a whole brisket)? Once you know the size you'll be able to hazard a guess on the cook time. Since you're looking at lunch you'll probably want to be able to pull the brisket no later than 11:30. They need to rest but don't need an extended period. The other thing I'd mention (having looked at UK meat charts) is, if you have not done so already, tell your butcher not to trim it down to the meat. Better that you trim if necessary. Often no trimming is required.

Your plan is fine. Keep an occasional eye on your brisket internals (measure in the flat) but don't rely on a specific temp to pull it off. Do a fork test. I start checking in the mid-180s; usually it is somewhere between 188 and 192 when it's done but I rely on my fork to tell me.
I have not tried this but here's an idea. There are rib recipes that call for smoking the ribs (4-6 hours or so) and then removing them and grilling to put a glaze on the ribs. If you do that, you could put the ribs on at the beginning of the brisket cook or any time during the cook. Take the ribs off when they're ready, hold them properly (probably cold), and then grill them when the guests are ready to eat. The brisket can be either an appetizer, desert, or the main course depending on when it's done.
Many thanks for the responses, guys.

Good point about the trimming Kevin. In fact, in an attempt to educate my butcher, I e-mailed him with my precise brisket request earlier this week - and included a link back to this site. I think he got the message... we'll know for sure tomorrow.

Other than that - I don't know what size it will be. I requested a whole brisket - but who knows what'll turn up. Whatever it is - it's gonna be smoked!

I'll post back with details - and perhaps a few photos - later.

Thanks once again
Hi Richard
Finally! Another UK resident!
I've found it challenging to get a proper brisket here, you really need to find a butcher that buys sides of beef and cuts his own, which I have now.
It might end up being a brisket flat, especially if its cryopacked when you get it. No worries, give your ribs 5-6 hours (you can take em off early if you have to. OR you could get a pork shoulder roast (bone-in) and do em at the same time.


I've done this cook several times. Don't worry: The tibs on top of the brisket is great. The pork fat bastes the brisket and adds a nice taste. Absolutely no problem.

True, watch your cook times but if you're not in a hurry don't worry.

Follow Kruger's advice about the trimming: Light touch if at all. I haven't trimmed my last 4 briskets and it was fine.

Finally, go do a search on Jim Minion's advice on doing a brisket on the WSM. He took me from newbe to (not entirely bad
in one summer). Fat down, pull it at the temp he says (185?) then foil and rest in a cooler fat side up 4 hours.

