Can anybody ID this Weber grill?



TVWBB Emerald Member
This grill is at my buddy's place in Palm Springs.

Not sure exactly what the color is called, but the boys over at the WKC (weberkettleclub) site will pay a pretty good for for her.
Get a close up pic of the markings on the top vent, the bottom vents or ash sweep, and the side of the wheels. Post those pics on the WKC forum and they will tell you exactly what year it was made. Color is avocado I believe.
Thanks for the above, the next time my buddy goes to Palm Springs ill have him snap some photos.
Just wondering if someone on here had an idea what the stacker/rotisserie ring was.
I know the is an old Weber because his Grandparents owned this house .
It's an Avocado and it's highly sought after. Not seeing any holes in the stacker/ring, so that rules out being a kabob ring, so it would probably be a roti ring. Metal bowl handle and small tab would probably date it to the early 70's.

