**Cajun Bandit Mini Smoker Joe Mods**


Brian Moriarty

TVWBB All-Star
This is a work in progress, but here is what I have going on.

This is a limited run Cajun Bandit 14" SJS Conversion that Chris Perres presented to Left Hand Smoke in 2010 when we cooked at the Jack Daniels Invitational BBQ Championship. I had it covered with a lined BGE cover that became a rust breeding ground, so I removed the door and handles and took it to bare metal.


Couple coats of 2000* High Temp Primer base.

Centered and cut an 18" OTS bowl for a "LBCF Mod" to be used on the CB or a 15 gallon UDS.



Letting nothing go to waste, I secured the legs from the 18" to a 14" SJS bowl, shortening them 4". Very stable footprint.


The bottom vent is capped with nickel plated hole plugs and it will run like a UDS with three 3/4" intake holes regulated with magnets.





Finishing with Rustoleum 1200* Semi Gloss BBQ paint


Like I said its a work in progress, I have some other ideas I'm wanting to work into it. Stay tuned!
So glad I found this mod. I came across it googling the Jimmy mod I was going to do with my jumbo joe. With this I have less money invested with the same reaults. So far I've done a spatchcock turkey, party wings, thick cut pork chops, and brisket point. If I want to grill using the jumbo joe directly on to the smokey joe. The charcoal grate can still it in its regular spot.

Now my diy mind is moving and I want to add a 22 kettle to it also since there are a few cheap ones in my area.




