Cabinets are almost done!


Timothy F. Lewis

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
Joan, you asked after the “finished“ pix.
There is still just a little trim to be done but, I know you will like these. Won’t re-stock them until we sort through what will stay, and, what will be “catalogued”. With luck, that might happen before Christmas!
Shoot Fletch, I was hoping the sausage guy would survive long enough for use to pay him a visit but, sadly, he didn’t survive. I really am privileged to have such a talented cabinetmaker as a banjo player and true friend!
Only the TV center section is old, my buddies matched it all! Pictures do not do it justice.
Awww, I am sorry to hear he is not still in business; I know he had to be good based on your feedback. I sometimes think back to a few years ago when my territory included your locale and I wish I had been able to meet you in person; I treasure you as a very good friend on this site.

No wasted space, 6 shelves (mine are only 5) lol

Can you reach the top shelf?

