Butts Cooking time - bone-in vs. Bone-out


Steve Feller

TVWBB Member
Need a head's up. all the butts I've smoked have been boneless. Friend brought me 5 to smoke but they are bone in. Will I notice any difference in cooking times? These are from 3.8 to 4.8 lbs.: Those usually run me 12-13 hours @ 225 when boneless. Any adjustments to temp needed? I assume the temp probe should go in the middle of the meat mass AWAY from the bone(?) THANKS!!


Your times should not vary much at all. your 4lb boneless time seems way too long to me. Figure 1.5hours per pound.
I'm with Rick--you shouldn't notice an appreciable time difference. And yes, put the thermometer as close to center mass.
Shouldn't take 12 hours to cook a 4 lb butt at 225, double check your temps at the grate, sounds like they are bit lower then 225.
Thanks very much guys for the reply. These are smaller than I usually get, so its probably for more like 5-6 lbs than I leave for 12-15 hours. Since I use the BBQGURU with its "ramping" feature, the meat may be done earlier than I realize and the Guru just holds it well. Its handy to go to bed and 8 PM or so & ignore the Bullet until I get back from the gym at 6:30 or 7 AM. I do place the Guru pit probe right on the grate within a couple inches of the meat. When Guru is holding the grate level at 225, the lid thermometer shows in the 260-270 range.
Steve, when I cook Farmland All Natural bone-in butts at 225-250 and spray every 45-60 minutes after the halfway point I've found that 2 hr/lb is a better time estimate, and this is regardless of whether I'm using a WSM or a B-B-K.

I like to think I'm pretty quick when I spray and the lid's not off too long (temperature comes back up right away), so my conclusion is that it's most likely something with the pork itself.

But that's just how it works for me...YMMV.

Guess I should've checked the forum last night...sorry about that.

I use a 50/50 mix of apple juice/cider and cider vinegar, although I'm thinking about trying cherry juice sometime.

Using a spray bottle with the nozzle set to a fairly fine mist keeps me from knocking any rub off the meat, but the down side to that method is that I can't dissolve in the liquid any rub that contains "chunks".

No problems Brad.... I probably would have been too lazy to get up during the night anyway. I'll try the spray sometime during a daytime butt smoke.

