Butts are on


Harry Williams

New member
First cook on the new 22.5 WSM. 18lbs of pork butts, rubbed with Texas Original BBQ Rub, injected with Big Bob Gibsons shoulder recipe.
Butts went on at 12:00, and I know that I will be up very late to pull them.
Used 3 chimneys of unlit Kingsford, and a half chimney of lit charcoal. I am using oak and somr fairly new sugar maple for the smoke. Also using the water pan on this smoke, as I have not had a chance to get sand or anything else for the water pan.
Smoker is cruising along at 235 degrees as I type this.
If I am not too tired to figure out how to upload pictures tonight, I will show the final product.
That sounds like the best day you could hope for! Wish I wasn't at work killing time and could be throwing a butt on! Hopefuly some pics will happen! Enjoy!

Greetings,Harry! I'm in Maine on vacation,near Sebago lake. My nephew is getting ready to deploy to the middle east,so I brought the bullet with us. I've got three small butts going on tomorow about 7 am. Yup,nothing like a little hickory smoke to remind you of home! If I could package the smell to take with him,I would.
As I noted in my first post of this thread, the butts went on at noon. At 8:00 tonight, the internal temps were at 165 and 170 degrees. At that time I foiled the butts and put them back on the smoker with apple juice in the foil wrap. At 10:00 I checked the temps. They were at 190 to 205 in various parts of the butts. I pulled the butts and they are in the cooler sleeping for a little while.
I was really anxious to do this smoke on the new 22.5 SWM. I have been following the many posts here and was starting to get a little nervous after I had placed my order with Amazon. Here is the items that I noted about the new smoker.
Three and a half chimneys of charcoal and five or six pieces of oak and maple chunks. The half chimney was lit charcoal. The first thing I noted about the cooker is that it leaked smoke like a sieve. The door, around the lid where it meets the center section, and the bottom bowl where the center section sits on the bowl.
You would think that with all the air leaks, this cooker would be hard to control the temps on. Well, all I got to say is that this was the most boring smoke that I have done in a long time. I had to adjust the bottom vents exactly two times in the whole cook. Once because I thought the temps were coming down, and once because I thought the temps were going to go over 250.
There is still coals left in the charcoal bowl, and I think this cook could go on for another three hours.
If there is anyone out there who is still fence sitting on the decision to purchase one of these smokers, due to some of the negative comments posted about it, let your minds rest. This was the easiet smoke that I have ever done.
Oh, BTW, while this smoke was going on, I did a pork loin on the performer for dinner. Pork loin, and fresh potatos, cucumbers, and squash from the garden. My first smoke on the new WSM, my first loin on the new performer, and the first harvest out of the garder. Not a bad day at work.

