Butter-Smoked Rib-Eye w/pics

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Greg Rempe:
Shawn...looks good! I did 2" porters on the Silver B last night. Bad results as I was S-Faced during the grill so I overdid them....SAD!!

Note to self: Try not to get so S-Faced next time I spend $52.00 on prime beef!!
Greg, I was trying to formulate a sensitive response to your post while trying to delicately ask how your south-facing grill was to blame and whether you thought north, east or west was going to work better .... then the light clicked on. <big belly laugh!>

With you at the helm I'm sure they were still good enough to eat. Sorry to hear you were dissatisfied though.

I recall waking up one morning many years ago after an S-Faced night to a horrible acrid smell. Seems I had the inclination to pan fry a steak over medium high then passed out! Ashes and a warped pan were all that remained!

Another time I cooked hand made burger patties on the gasser in the dark and turned them into inedible hockey pucks! Live and learn eh Greg?
Shawn, a great anticdote from you as well...warpped pan...FUNNY!!

Steve, "The Capt." can ruin cooks as well! Be prudent and careful. And as the late Cleveland Indian pitcher Steve Olin once said while on a boat with his teammates..."Hey watch out for that low birdge!!!"
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Susan Z:
Thanks for the temp info.

Next time, why not do a quick sear on the chimney starter? Works like a CHAMP! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Susan, you're just full of great ideas. Thanks!

That's not a problem! Moma is driving, and there is a guy who wears four stipes on his epilets driving this rig.
Charity event, large boat 250-350 people!!!
Sure hope the Captian's name isn't Morgan!!!!!

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Shawn W:
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Susan Z:
Thanks for the temp info.

Next time, why not do a quick sear on the chimney starter? Works like a CHAMP! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Susan, you're just full of great ideas. Thanks! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

The chimney starter is also a great place to roast peppers.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Steve (Merc) McMurtry:
I have already started
a conversation with Captian Morgan!!

I hope you're not talking to me, I'm currently in a conversation with Glen Morangie

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Morgan Sziraki:

Do you think the searing sealed in the juices ? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Call me a flat-earther but I think searing may help impede moisture loss (is that more to your liking Stone? I didn't say 'sealed' or 'locked'
). Can't help it, it's been 'grilled' in to me since I started cooking.

I certainly think the butter coating helps the steak retain moisture in a 200F pit.
Mann, that looks awesome! I love steak but I have always been afraid to leave my comfort zone of s&p and a good sear over lump using the best cut of beef I can find. I guess I am going to have to branch out so I can taste a little smoke flavor to my favorite meat.

Doood, someday, I hope to do you serious harm (like take you to dinner in you fair city) and listen to YOUR arteries CLOG. Hope you can hear mine this weekend.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>... 200F pit. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

HEY CHRIS....we really need a way to mark degrees (or feet?)
the alt+numpad works for Windows computers. Couldn't tell ya about Linux, Apples and so on .... sorry, I should have mentioned that ....
That is a beeee-yooo-tiful steak.

Here's a thought - place a small drip pan under the steak(s) while smoking to catch the drippings and the butter that rolls off. Put it in a saucepan and reduce with some red wine, might make a fantastic sauce, especially if you sauteed some shallot and/or garlic in there before adding the wine. Kind of a smokey butter and wine sauce. Mmmmmm....I am GOING to try this.
200°° --- hey hey...I like it.

Thanks Shawn for the pointer.

Dwain: I like your thought...maybe a smokey Bernaise?
It does on my Dell laptop Greg ... there are blue numbers representing the numpad on a portion of the keyboard .... to access them I must hold down the FN key + ALT then hit the keys with the little blue numbers 0176, then release the ALT key. I think my IBM had these keys as well.

Perhaps is further discussion is desired we could start a new thread.
In case anyone is interested, for a Mac the little degree symbol ? is made by the key combo "option + k"

I don't know if the alt key works the same with Windoze, but it seems too complicated if you've got to hit a 6 key combo!

What happens if you just hit "alt + k"?

on edit- The steak looked good, but I'm not sure my heart could take that much butter in one sitting. Hell, I think my cholesterol went up 35 points just lookin' at the pics! Good job!
Thanks Shawn. Here's mine.

Pics can be found at: http://www.imagestation.com/album/?id=3938760093&congratulation_page=Y

I started with a 3" prime ribeye. Charred it on the chimney.

Put it on my Weber Bullet, with a brick of frozen Plugra on top:

Smoked it at 200* to 220* with a little hickory until a center temp of 140*. Foiled it and rested for five minutes:

Sliced it up:

And plated it with some sauteed kale:

Perhaps the most tender ribeye I've had. If you've got filet eaters in your household, try this. It was like butter. Like a prime rib. (I guess it is a prime rib.) Next time I'll skip the hickory, it added an unnecessary sweetness. And I wont rest it in tight foil, which seemed to bring it to medium instead of medium rare.

A damn fine piece of meat.
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