Butt Rub on Baby Back Ribs????


Mark McAfee

New member
So we're about to move back to Texas and I have a big stash of Memphis Dust made up and no rib rub. Once we're back in Austin, we're back in the world of bulk spices at the grocery stores. Here in VA, no bueno.

Gonna fire up some baby back ribs for some friends and would love to use up the Memphis Dust. Whaddaya think?

I hope so because when I finish off my Big Bob Gibson's rub (have about a half of a case left) I plan to mix up some Memphis Dust and ribs and butts are the primary targets.
Never tryed the M-dust. But i guess it will be just as good on a rib. I use a batch of kevins but rub on my ribs all the time!
I did M Dust on back ribs and St Louis style ribs last weekend. I smoked 3 slabs of each and they were great! Wasn't sure what to use but I wanted to use a dry rub. One our members recommended I take a look at Meatheads recipe another Chris Lilly's. I went for the Memphis Dust by Meathead.
Sure. Butt is pork. Pork is butt.

If you compare most mixes, it's the same ingredients but (most likely) in slightly different proportions.

You might have a single ingredient that differs but generally speaking, they are interchangeable.

In fact, you may enjoy one meant for beef even more if you put it on ribs.
I use the same rub for just about everything pork and beef related. Just add sugar when I use it on pork ribs and butts.
Memphis dust it is. Got 3 racks of ribs and a mini keg of New Castle to go along with a few butts my buddy is doing on his smoker...

Thanks yall.


