Butt or shoulder?



TVWBB Hall of Fame
I am soo confused. They are 2 different cuts of meat, but a lot of recipes say cook the same and others say cook differently. I am trying to clean out my binders (they are shoving me out of my office :giggle:)

Some SM will call a butt a pork shoulder roast, I rarely see them called Boston Butt
Picnics I see alot in the Mexi marts and whole shoulders ( butt and picnic ), pork butts.
No, those at Costco are two pork butts. That's a confusing label.

And butt does not mean rear end of the pig.

Pork butt = the upper portion of the pork shoulder
Pork picnic = the lower portion of the pork shoulder
Pork shoulder = the butt + picnic in a single unseparated piece

Most will do best cooking with pork butt. It's basically just a big block of solid meat with or without a hand-sized piece of shoulder blade bone inside. The picnic has more bone and an odd shape, making it somewhat more complicated to cook. To tell the truth, I've never cooked a picnic.
I’ve never cooked a picnic either. Picnics are clearly marked as picnics. Has skin still on it.

What you most commonly see is called pork shoulder, butt, Boston butt or some combination thereof.

The Costco item is two big pieces of boneless butt/shoulder. I cook them all the time.
Used to find picnics quite often around here but almost never see them anymore. I actually prefer them to butts for pulled pork and find they render better if you remove the skin. The skin is an added bonus.
As @Brett-EDH says, they make great hams.
Used to find picnics quite often around here but almost never see them anymore. I actually prefer them to butts for pulled pork and find they render better if you remove the skin. The skin is an added bonus.
As @Brett-EDH says, they make great hams.
Our Winco often has picnic cut. I think you have a Winco nearby you?
There is one in Reno and we shop there occasionally. Will have to look harder next time but haven't seen them near the butts & ribs.
Our Winco displays the ribs in a separate case. The butts and picnics are in the pork case with all other butcher cut offerings. Hope this helps.

