butt butt butt.....


Bob Correll

R.I.P. 3/31/2022
Our local Shop 'n Save store has pork butts for 97¢ per lb., and on Thursdays you get $10 off a $50 purchase, so these were about 80¢ per lb.
One is already cut into steaks, and I'll cut one for country style, and 2 need to hit the WSM this weekend.

The remains of Isaac is headed our way, and we're supposed to get from 2" to 8" of much needed rain.
So I might need my rain slicker:)

Hope everyone has a great Labor Day weekend!
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A local store had cryovacs of two butts on sale for $0.99 per pound. I grabbed one pack and meant to go back for another to cut up into half portions. The sale was over the next time i went in. I like the smaller 4-5 lb ones for quicker cooks and for things like chile verde.
Great deal on the pork Bob! You can sure have some of this rain we have had for the past month.. I don't think we had a real summer at all..;)

